Archives for August 2008
Thursday Thoughts

- Over 200 middle and high schoolers and a total of almost 300 people showed up last night for the Edge party.
- Our youth pastor, Gene Reinemen and his team did an incredible job of making this an awesome event for the kids right before they went back to school.
- The Safety of Routine and the Ryan Payne Bandprovided the music, while Brad Mowry inspired the kids to make a difference this school year.
- Of course there was plenty of food, treats, prizes and games.
- The entire staff took turns in the dunking booth.
- I love how much Earl gets into these things…he was all dressed like a dunking booth jester and had plenty of one-liners to heckle them with.
- Somehow I drew the short straw and was in last.
- Got dunked about 20 times and got colder and colder as the night progressed.
- I had plenty of one-liners all prepared but for some reason most of the people throwing at me were in the 6-10 age range.
- Sort of hard to tell a 6 year old that he throws like a girl when it might cause him to cry, give up sports all together or have a negative self image for the rest of his life.
- I’m going to speak at the prison tonight…maybe I’ll try a few of the lines there…ummm on second thought…maybe not.
- In any case, it was a great event!
- Today Earl challenged Heidi Pisle to a 3 balls each challenge in the dunk tank.
- Earl went in first but Heidi missed.
- Earl didn’t…Heidi was soaked.
- Just finished up staff meeting…
- We have a lot of fun with one another…but we still get things done!
- Got a few meetings yet, then some programming for the weekend, followed by speaking at the jail and then catch the end of the worship team practice.
What Do You Care About?
I once heard Billy Graham say that if you knew the cure for cancer, he found it highly unlikely that you would keep that info to yourself. But yet as Christians we know the cure for sin but are often afraid to share it with others.
How crazy is that! I read something this morning along the same lines and want to share it with you…
If you REALLY believe in the saving power of Jesus Christ then why in the world would you show up at church every single Sunday without a carload of people who need Him?
Does Jesus save? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Does He change lives? ABSOLUTELY!!!
Has He called us to REACH OUT…or be obsessed with other things?
Jesus said in Luke 19:10 that He came to seek & save that which is “lost!”
If that was the heart of Jesus…and Jesus lives in our hearts…then that HAS TO BE IN OUR HEARTS AS WELL!!
We CANNOT claim to be followers of Jesus and NOT CARE ABOUT WHAT HE CARES ABOUT!!!
Remember one of our core values…lost people matter to God and therefore they must matter to me.
This Sunday as we wrap-up the God at the Box Office series, I’ll be sharing insights from The Dark Knight. From start to finish I’ll be sharing the good news that Jesus loves us and came to die for us.
So the question is…are you going to keep this good news to yourself? Or are you going to invite a carload of people to come with you this weekend? Your answer says a lot about your faith and your priorities.