- I give up!
- What I mean by that is…I give up trying to figure out attendance patterns.
- Today being Memorial Day weekend, most churches see a dip in attendance.
- This week I personally knew of 18 people that said they wouldn’t be with us…who knows how many I didn’t know about.
- So my expectation was a really low attendance day…
- So of course we end up with our 2nd highest attendance ever…God amazes me.
- Best of all we had 5 more people pray today for Jesus forgiveness and leadership!
- Funny thing is I didn’t plan on offering a call for commitment today, but I felt the Holy Spirit nudging me at the end to do it any way.
- Glad I listened!
- As for the rest of the day, we couldn’t have asked for it to be much smoother.
- In fact, the band got set-up, had their warm-up and run through and still had so much time that they were actually able to do some Thursday night practice kind of stuff.
- Big thanks to Kristie Frownfelter for stepping up and leading the Children’s Ministry today while Chelsea was away on vacation.
- I peeked in and it looked like you were doing an awesome job.
- Speaking of an awesome job, the pic for this post (sorry it’s so dark) is of our tech team. Andy, Mike, and Cris have 3 computers to run with the assorted programs we use plus then the sound board.
- They consistently accomplish the best thing a tech team can do…not be noticed.
- If the technology itself or the operators through error draw attention, that means the attention is off of Jesus. So thankful to have a team that knows what they are doing and do it with excellence.
- Mike though did do a funny thing this morning when he and I went out to set up signs. We got to an intersection that we put a sign out at. The plan is for me to jump out, reach in the back to get the sign, then Mike takes off and turns around while I’m putting the sign in the appropriate place. This is all done at a busy intersection and it’s best if the light is red when we get there. Today though it was green and so imagine my surprise when I jump out and Mike starts to take off before I’ve been able to get the sign out of the back. Not sure if this is making sense, but it was funny.
- This was the 5th part to our iLife series and I’m not sure why but on Thursday I started to get really excited about today’s topic which was gaining professional margin.
- Was also nervous a bit though because the one visual illustration I wanted to do involved me juggling. Now I have juggled for years but in order for the illustration to really work it was vital that I not drop any. You’ll have to listen to the message to understand why. Whew…was able to do it!
- Always great to be able to look out and seeing a visiting pastor. Today we were excited to have Charlie Hostetter and his wife Linda with us from the Mechanicsburg First Church of God.
- Charlie said they wanted to come check us out because they’ve heard so much.
- Never really sure how to take that since as much negative is said about us as positive.
- They seemed to like it though and we were able to provide Linda with a pair of complimentary ear plugs in case the music got too loud for her.
- I know it seems silly but it’s the little things like this (and the mints and hand lotion we provide in the restrooms) that really help create wow experiences for people.
- Noticed afterward a lot more people hanging out in the lobby. That’s great that people are getting connected with one another. Technically we need to get out of the theater ASAP, but as long as were not in the way, then I’d love to see these interactions continuing.
- Had lunch with my mom and dad today and then Lisa and I went swimming. Our pool is already at a very comfy 82 degrees…tomorrow should help even more.
- On a personal note, today marked the one year anniversary since my last day on staff at the Chambersburg First Church of God.
- Wow do I miss them tremendously. At the same time though I’m so grateful for the new relationships we’ve made here in Harrisburg as we’re getting ExponentialChurch.tv launched.
- I have no doubt we’re exactly where God wants us but it still doesn’t make it easy to be away from so many great friends. Thanks United and CFCOG for 3 awesome years together.
- Next week at Exponential we’ll wrap-up the iLife series by discovering how to get moral margin in your life.
- I want to talk to 3 groups of people…teens, singles and married couples about how to make sure when it comes to purity (especially sexual purity) you have the margin that God desires.
Archives for May 2011
Inside Today’s Experience
- Another great day!
- 3 more first time professions of faith!
- One of our highest attendance days ever!
- Some cool stories of how people are applying this series to their lives and getting margin!
- Got to meet the 3 interns we’ll be working with this summer!
- Mike Smith was in the house!
- Lisa, my parents and myself were unexpectedly treated to a free lunch when a great couple from ECTV spotted us and had one of our “You Matter” cards delivered to the table! Problem was the waitress didn’t speak English very well (Japanese restaurant) so we didn’t fully understand what was happening until we went to pay and a waiter finally explained they had picked-up our bill!
- We convinced the theater to turn the AC on which made for a lot cooler Experience!
- Ok I think I’m out of statements that end with an exclamation point. Seriously!
- Ok seriously this time…it was a good day.
- Nothing too out of the ordinary except we again have equipment starting to feel the effects of the wear and tear of getting set-up and torn down each week.
- It was weird…last week I was looking forward to the message but didn’t feel good about it. Today was the opposite…I wasn’t feeling good about it going in but felt really good about it at the end,
- Guess you’ll have to listen for yourself.
- Essentially the message was about the practical steps to achieving financial margin. I think what I liked though were two specific illustrations that I used that when it finally dawned on people where I was going with them, I could audibly hear the “ah-ha” moments coming out of people’s mouths in a variety of ways.
- At the end I was able to share some of the awesome things we’ve been able to do in just 7 short months.
- Things like now 86 first time professions, over $20000 given in a variety of ways to help the community, incredible stories of lives being changed and transformed, etc.
- However, as I said, there are many other things that God has called us to do that we simply can’t yet because of finances.
- We’re not in trouble in any way, but I know God has so much more He wants us to do.
- So if you’d like to contribute financially, we’d greatly appreciate your support.
- I continue to be blown away by the incredible team God has assembled in such a short time and the things He’s allowed us to experience together as a church in only 7 short months…however…listen to me and listen carefully…
- The Best is Yet to Come!
Inside Today’s Experience
- Before I forget, this week I posted a video of our Easter Sunday Experience. If you’ve ever wanted to see what we do at ExponentialChurch.tv, but haven’t been able to visit here’s your chance.
- This is also something you can share with your friends if they want to see what we’re about before actually showing up at the theater.
- Ok on to today…
- We continued the iLife series today by looking at how God wants us to have financial margin.
- The whole series has been about margin in various areas of life and today we had a great example of how it works in real life situations.
- What I mean is I wish we would have had some more time margin this morning in set-up.
- Andy was gone for his grandfather’s funeral and of course today just had to be the day that we had some equipment failure.
- This meant having to call him to figure out a go around.
- We got it all done, but that meant my emotional margin was about spent.
- This of course then affected the message.
- I think the point was still made but I know I could have done so much better.
- In any case we have a great team and everyone pitched in to help.
- Thanks especially to Mike and Cris for doing more than normal.
- My biggest disappointment was I missed out on Chelsea’s meeting she had for all the children’s workers and I missed our normal all-team meeting (thanks Chad for filling in).
- Congratulations to Dennis Kennel and Rhonda Arndt for winning the 5th and 6th iPads.
- Can’t believe I called the wrong name instead of Rhonda’s…incredibly she had 12 guests with her on the first week of the series.
- Technically her name wasn’t drawn but I wanted to make sure we rewarded her for doing such an awesome job of being a “World Class Inviter“.
- I talked today about online giving and our new initiative called “Automate the Important”. I’ll be sending out the link later today or tomorrow but if you already know you want to give, here’s the link to our secure giving.
- Thanks in advance for your financial support!
- Hope everyone has a great week…lot’s of cool stuff happening…keep being the church!
Inside Today’s Experience
- First things first…Happy Mother’s Day!
- Especially to my mom…I love you!
- Mom is actually in Jamaica on vacation so this is the first time I’ve not been able to talk to her on a Mother’s Day.
- So thankful that her, dad, my sister and niece have been traveling each week to be a part of ExponentialChurch.tv.
- They were all away today though along with quite a few others so we were a bit short-staffed.
- In addition, I didn’t want to have any of the moms have to miss the Experience so that meant Chad, my wife Lisa, Tania and a couple of teens were in charge of nursery and toddlers.
- When Chad’s wife, Tammie, found out she decided maybe it wouldn’t be a bad idea for her to be there as well.
- Thanks Tammie for all you do!
- Set-up was a bit weird today…for whatever reason, we made a couple of silly mistakes.
- One took quite awhile to figure out…we had to re-route some cables and then…
- …we realized we didn’t have the power turned on.
- Another one involved some things not getting plugged in…
- In any case, that’s why we build in plenty of margin to our morning so that we can catch these things, resolve them and still have plenty of time to relax before the actual Experience starts.
- As for the Experience itself, it was cool to be able to do some child dedications on Mother’s Day.
- Congrats to Lorraine Weaver and her twins, Shawn and Annette.
- The worship time was certainly emotional.
- The Krull family (parents, kids and grandkids) who all made the move with us to get the church started, unexpectedly lost Jan’s dad (Andy’s grandad) yesterday.
- Andy’s wife Gayle who is on the worship team did her best to hold it together as she lead “How He Loves”, but understandably was not able to.
- Thought it was a very authentic moment…as good as the team is, it’s just a good for people to see that the band is real people as well.
- Truthfully, I didn’t feel comfortable with this week’s message.
- I was gone for most of the week at our denomination’s annual regional conference, which meant my normal routine was disrupted.
- I went over the message twice as many times as usual trying to make up for it, but felt really unprepared.
- Oh me of little faith! Like always God was able to give me just the right words.
- Was it the best message ever…no…but it was what God wanted to people to hear.
- I love how even now we’re already hearing how much of a difference this series is making!
- Good news is we’ve still got 4 more weeks left in it so that means plenty more life-change!
- Don’t forget that everyone as a church this week will be reading through the book of James.
- Loved Chad’s idea of how to make our Mother’s Day gift a missional opportunity.
- Basically we gave all the ladies baby bottles filled with candy.
- Next week we’re asking them to bring the bottles back filled with coins or even cash.
- All the money will then be given to the local crisis pregnancy center to help a mom or mom’s who are at risk.
- Overall, a really good day…the momentum we tried to create from Easter and last week’s iPad give-away was sustained, mom’s were honored, babies were dedicated and most importantly God’s Word was proclaimed and transforming!
- After 3 consecutive weird weeks and lots of travel, I’m looking forward to something a bit more normal.
- Monday afternoon and night the staff will be doing some strategic planning for the remainder of 2011. Please keep us in prayer.
- Next Sunday we’ll continue the iLife series by looking at God’s app for handling money.
- If you have financial stress or know someone who does, you’re going to want to make sure you and they are with us.
Inside Today’s Experience
- Today was exactly what we had hoped it would be.
- We wanted to capture the momentum of Easter and have the week after be just as big or bigger.
- So to kick-off our iLife series we gave away 4 FREE iPads.
- It worked great…we by far had our highest attended day ever other than launch day.
- Best of all, 3 more people prayed to begin a relationship with Jesus!
- That makes 83 now in the 6 months we’ve been meeting!
- So proud of my team and all they do from parking lot to seat to help prepare people’s hearts for the preaching of God’s Word each week.
- Set-up and everything was a bit different today because Bill (our worship pastor) was away for the weekend.
- This meant everyone pitching in to do the things he normally does which of course meant longer time and a couple of “where the heck does this plug in” moments.
- Bill did though create the new stage set that has all the iLife icons…pretty cool.
- Huge thanks to Aaron Hoke for stepping up and leading the band this weekend…he did a tremendous job.
- It was also great to see JD Ridenour who came up to check out our tech stuff for help with his new job he’s taken with LifeHouse Church East in Hagerstown, MD.
- JD’s pastor (Patrick Grach) and I were both in Orlando this week and had lunch together this past Thursday. Grateful to Patrick for his encouragement and the team LifeHouse sent to us when we did our Preview Experiences back before launch.
- Speaking of Orlando…being gone all week with Chad at the Exponential Church Conference meant my normal routine was disturbed this week.
- Even though I wrote today’s message long ago, my normal routine has me working with it throughout the week so that by the time Sunday rolls around its completely a part of me.
- This week was different though and I thought it came through in my delivery…not my best effort but I think the point was still made…
- …we live on the edge so often emotionally, financially, relationally, in our schedules and we’re in danger of disaster.
- You can listen here to see what God has to say about that.
- It was weird that during my illustration where I stood up on the arms of the theater seats I actually felt really comfortable…sort of ruined my point…although I think everyone got what I was saying.
- Congrats to those who won iPads…and thanks to all those who invited so many people come out and be a part of today’s Experience.
- This week I’m away again…this time at our denomination’s annual conference.
- I’ll be speaking briefly Monday and then I’m teaching two workshops on Tuesday…please keep me in prayer.
- Also, our band has been asked to provide the music for Monday night’s activities, so keep them in prayer as well as they get off early from work, travel to the site, set-up, play, tear down then return home.
- Next Sunday we’ll continue the iLife series by looking at how to build margin into your schedule so you do and become all that God has for you!