For those of you who read my blog…yeah I know not a lot of new content the past year….thinking of starting up again though…in any case,you know that each year I do a list of things that I’m thankful for from over the past year. This is the 7th year I’ve done this list…READY…SET…GO
1. This one never changes…Jesus. 2013, marked 20 years since I became a follower of Jesus. This means now 1/2 of my life has been lived for Him and the other 1/2 for myself/Satan. I can tell you now from equal experience that this 1/2 has been far better than the first 1/2. I’m so thankful that He forgave a real screw-up like me.
2. Another obvious one here…my wife, Lisa. I truly can’t understand people who complain about their spouses. We have for 18 years of marriage now applied what God’s Word says about marriage and every year it just keeps getting better and better. We love and serve one another unconditionally and I can’t wait to see what the next 50 years bring!
3. Family. The love and support of my family has always been tremendous…well my mom did always ask, “When are you going to get a real job” when I was doing magic professionally, but even then she was still supportive. I love them all deeply and I’m so thankful for who they are, who they are becoming and all that they do!
4. Friends. Huge thanks to Andy & Gayle, Bill & Nicole, Mike & Theresa, Steve T., Country, Erin, Claude, Steve H, Bratz, Ken and Vince for making this a fun and memorable year!
5. Big thanks to everyone especially to Chad and Bill who I get to work with closely to try to depopulate hell! To all that attend or have attended in the past, thanks for going along on this adventure called church planting. I know it hasn’t been easy and sometimes I can be a pain in the butt, but know that I love you all and just want to see Harrisburg, our nation and the world changed by the love and forgiveness of Jesus in the same way I and many of you have.
6. My Fitness Pal. Last year around this time I realized I was about 20 pounds heavier than I wished to be. I downloaded this app for my phone and immediately started losing the weight and have maintained my goal weight. As I told others about it, they too began using it and just amongst my friends I know combined we’ve lost over 250 pounds.
7. Not a Fan. This was the best book I read this past year…in fact we ended up doing an entire sermon series based off it. Highly recommended.
8. Workxpress. So thankful we met Treff and that he and Lisa were able to work out an agreement for her to assist with the growth of the company. Big things happened in 2013 that are just scratching the surface…can’t wait to see what’s next.
9. Lots of other stuff but my sister just called…we got disconnected…but I’m sure it was going to be, “When are you getting here, I’m hungry”! So Happy Thanksgiving to all!
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