Just a few more days until Easter. To be honest I’m an emotional mess for a number of reasons. I think the primary reason is I realize this is my last big event for United. For 3+ years we have worked together as a team to reach as many people for Jesus as possible. Over 300 people have made 1st time professions, which is awesome but the work is far from done and I realize my influence on this community is quickly coming to a conclusion. I want so bad for us to have one last big-time push to bring people to Jesus.
I’m also emotional because the team has been working nearly around the clock all this week to make sure the Easter Experiences this year are something memorable, impacting and life-changing. When I think about what could be this Sunday I well up with emotion realizing that we’re doing all we can and just praying that you’re doing your part inviting as many people as possible to hear the Good News of Jesus victory over death and sin.
Finally I’m emotional because the devil isn’t happy about this and all week long as been doing all kinds of things in my life to try to stop this Sunday from being all that it can be. Honestly constant spiritual warfare is draining, tiring and sometimes deflating. I’m talking so bad that this week he’s been constantly whispering to me how bad I am, how my life isn’t making a difference and how I should just quit and do something else with my life. Reading God’s word though reminds me that I am forgiven, more than a conqueror and a vital piece of the puzzle in seeing God’s kingdom come here in Chambersburg and beyond.
So with all that being said. If you are a part of the United Worship Experience and really want to do something to make a difference in people’s lives and want to do something nice for me as a kind of going away present, then do whatever it takes this week to make sure you have at least 1 guest with you. People’s eternal lives really do depend on what we together as a church accomplish. Don’t let this just be another week or weekend that goes by without inviting those you know and love to come check out what it is that we do and more importantly who it is that we worship. Jesus hanging on a cross was not comfortable, yet he did it anyway because He loves you. Won’t you show your love in return by getting out of your comfort zone and inviting multiple people to come with you this week?
I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is God’s powerful method of bringing all who believe it to heaven. –Romans 1:16
For “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him? And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them? -Romans 10:13-14
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