- Having a great trip.
- Our flight Wednesday night got delayed in Detroit by 2 hours so we never arrived until about 1AM EST, which meant the morning rolled around awfully fast.
- I’m here with my friend Chuck Frank who just got hired by our denomination to oversee church planting.
- Also along are Mike Schooley (the founder of United), Senior Pastor of Higer Hope Church and Rich Thorton, Worship Pastor at Friendship Community.
- Our purpose is to help Chuck figure out how to get at least 20 new churches started in our denomination in the next few years.
- To help accomplish that we spent a really busy day at Hill Country Bible Church.
- We met with John Herrington who is the Director of Church Planting to pick his brain about their extensive residency program that they offer.
- Wow it is great and I hope Chuck will be able to adopt it in some way.
- We had lunch brought in from a great Texas Bar-B-Que place and dinner was at the famous, Chuy’s Mexican Restaurant.
- To be honest, Chuck’s GPS unit that he brought along hasn’t been doing all that great…let’s just say we’ve taken “the scenic route” a number of times.
- Our flight is bright and early on Friday morning with a stop in Newark, NJ…ahhhh hate that airport.
- Don’t forget to invite alot of people for this weekend’s message…it’s going to be super sweet!
- Also don’t forget to start bringing in your offerings for the Contagious Christmas Challenge.
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