The other day I blogged about excellence and another thought occurred to me after reading someone else’s blog today. I have made a very intentional choice through the leading of the Spirit to make United very much a place where those who are seeking after God can come in and safely investigate the claims of Christ. Yes, the already convinced (re: Christians) are welcome and hopefully are growing, but I think of that first-timer coming in as we prepare all the elements of United each week.
So here’s another big reason we need to strive for excellence each week…if we were like most churches, then if people didn’t like us, they would walk out the door and find another church to attend. But for us, when people don’t like what we’re doing, they may be walking out the door and heading straight to hell. So they deserve nothing less than our very best effort each and every week. If you’re not already volunteering to serve to make their stay with us more enjoyable and hopefully life-changing, now is the time to start serving. Click here for just a few of the many ways you can serve at CFCOG.
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