- Thanks to all of you who were praying.
- As I was standing out in the hallway waiting to go into the room right before the service started, all of the sudden I felt very strongly the presence of God and a great sense of peace.
- As I look back on it now…it almost seems like an out of body experience…almost like someone else did the funeral.
- I hope this doesn’t sound proud or boastful, but I was proud of the job I did.
- I guess you would have had to have been there…God gave me such a sense of peace and the words to say and composure that I quite frankly surprised myself.
- The one funeral director afterwards told me that it was one of the best eulogies he had witnessed in the 25 years he has been in the business.
- It still seems very surreal.
- It was tremendous to see Earl and the rest of our church staff, drive down to be of support to myself and the family.
- Speaking of tremendous…my sister wrote a letter to my grandmother that she wanted me to read during the funeral. The day before though she told me she wanted to try to read it, but that if she was too emotional I’d have to do it.
- When the time came she popped up and started, but quickly lost it…again in what I can only describe as a God moment…I went beside her, put my arm around her and whispered, “You can do it.” Throughout the entire letter I kept whispering words of encouragement, “You’re doing great”, “Don’t stop”, “You’re almost done.”
- Again I am so thankful to God for doing something in me that doesn’t always come naturally.
- There’s so much more I could share, but I won’t…thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for you love, prayer, and concern during this rough time for our family.
- I love you all!
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