Hope your new year is off to a great start so far. Lisa and I hung out with a group of friends last night eating lots of great food and then sitting down for a game of Chickyfeet (a dominio’s game). The game takes forever…in fact we never did finish…but the big lightbult moment came part way through when we realized that our big version of fun on New Year’s Eve was sitting playing dominio’s…man are we getting old.
This morning I did something that is becoming somewhat of a New Year’s tradition for me…I read through all of Jesus Sermon on the Mount…the greatest sermon ever preached. Everytime I read it, it is a great reminder of how far God has brought me, but also a sobering reminder of how far I have yet to go.
As has become my custom, I’ll read through the entire New Testament in the month of January. I do this for multiple reasons…number 1 it’s good for me. Number 2 I do it and let people know about it in the hopes that you’ll at least considering reading that (if not the entire bible) in 1 whole year. In other words, if I can do it in a month (in my free time), what’s your excsue for not being able to do it in a year?
Here’s the plan:
New Testament in a Year: Read 5 chapters per week. Come on that’s less than a chapter per day…you can do it! If you want something that actually breaks it down day-by-day, try this.
Entire Bible in a Year: Works out to be 3 chapters per day and then 5 on Sunday. If you prefer to have a mix of both Old and New Testament each day, try this one.
In this new year I pray that God’s Word would become more real to you than it ever has in the past. Remember though the goal is not just to get information but to be transformed by what you read. So as you read it, be praying and asking God, what does this mean to me and how can I apply this to my life? I believe that if you’ll do that consistently, 2009 will be your best year ever!
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