- The 3 Wise Monkey’s series ended up being our highest attended series ever.
- Today’s attendance represented what used to take United 6 weeks combined attendance to reach as of the fall of 2006.
- If we’ll each keep inviting our family, friends, co-workers and neighbors, we should have a great Easter season where we’ll continue to break attendance records, but more importantly see people’s lives changed forever.
- At the pastor’s luncheon today I mentioned that by my estimate we have 70000 unchurched people in our county…
- So as good as things are going we can’t stop praying, believing and reaching out.
- Tonight is CAYA and the Guitar Hero tournament…I’m going to get thrashed I just know it.
- Please pray for me this week…not only do we have a new series getting ready to launch but we also have all the last minute stuff to get ready for our move this Saturday.
- Again if you can help we’d appreciate it. E-mail me at gilbert@unitedworshipexperience.org for directions.
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