- As I expected, today was a very life changing Experience.
- For 6 people it was life changing in that they gave their lives to Christ!
- For so many others it was life-changing in that they got serious about letting go of unforgiveness.
- The morning started out smoothly but I just had a feeling things were not quite right.
- Most mornings I don’t even think about checking my mic battery, but today I did…unfortunately I didn’t actually check it.
- I think that’s why I knew immediately what happened when my mic gave up…luckily I knew we were getting ready to go the video so I didn’t sweat it.
- I’m really enjoying some of the new songs the team has been adding into the mix…today it was Break Free…Brian is doing great leading these!
- I could really tell people were connecting with the message, then the video and then the song while communion was being distributed. There were a ton of tears and communion could have and should have been a very impactful moment.
- Hannah and Gayle did an awesome job with “You Are My King.” We’re very blessed to have so many talented people.
- I kept wondering why are the ushers standing up front.
- Then I thought…I wonder why if they’re standing there aren’t they taking it.
- Then I noticed Galen finally walk up and grab some stuff…I thought he was getting stuff for the rest of the guys.
- When I looked down then and saw them with plates full of the juice cups, I knew we were in trouble.
- Luckily I’m usually pretty good and thinking on my feet and we were able to handle it, but communion (at least in my opinion) lost some of the power that it could have had.
- I later found out that our head usher was so used to how they do it in the Sanctuary…which is one element at a time, that he forgot we distribute them all at once.
- Hey everybody messes up occasionally and he does an incredible job of leading the team, that I will…forgive him…just heard a message about that.
- During the time communion was being distributed I real quick ran down to the guest reception, grabbed Earl and asked him to go warn Dianna and the Children’s Ministry team that we were going to be really late.
- At that point I was so worried about getting everything done that I would have forgotten to take the offering had the guys not come back up.
- The part I rushed and shouldn’t have was the importance of next week…please, please, please make sure you invite people to come with you…this should be the best Experience we’ve ever had and you and your friends shouldn’t miss it.
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