It was another one of those days where the ushers couldn’t get chairs out fast enough.
I thought the worship team knocked it out of the park…great job everyone!
From a tech standpoint we had new people on sound, lighting and projection. Way to go…Chris, Barb and Amy for a flawless job!
All in all set-up this morning was pretty routine with only a couple minor glitches.
I’m praying that the message hits home for some people and they start getting serious about getting financial margin.
I had quite a few people come up to me afterward who started tithing after the Mind Your Own Business series telling me how much God has done for them…that’s awesome!
At the end of the message after walking off stage I realized I needed to immediatly check with our head usher on something but yet I also knew I needed to dismiss everyone…so I sprinted all the way around the outside of the multi-purpose room, got my question answered then started sprinting back. I could hear where the music was and literally ran onto the stage at the proper time…if it sounded like I was out of breath when I dismissed…it’s beacuse I was.
Tonight is CAYA, but before that, I’m napping, watchng the Caps continue their amazing run, and I’ll check out some Master’s coverage to see how Tiger does…it’s nice have some margin in the schedule on Sunday’s!
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