- Wow what a weekend…I’m just now getting home.
- Saturday night Shalom Christian Academy had their version of the prom and I ran all the tech stuff for them so it threw me off my normal Saturday schedule. I never got home until after 11PM.
- Not a good thing because I was already nervous enough about today’s message.
- So I got up at 7 this morning to put some last minute touches on the message.
- I’m not sure I’ve ever been more nervous for a message.
- It was a lot of personal stuff to share and the fact that my in-laws and parents usually listen on-line doesn’t make it any easier.
- Anyway the morning started out with easy set-up other than the fact that it was stinking hot and that we noticed a pool of water had pooled outside of the Youth Room door entrance…so I got a mop and played the role janitor.
- I had warned the team that we needed to cut one of the songs because the message was going to be a long one.
- I thought they did a great job with the 2 new songs.
- As I expected some parents did elect to take there kids out once they found out what the message was going to be about.
- The parents that did let their kids stay told me they were glad they did.
- I had quite a few guys tell me that when I mentioned the 48-72 hour rule they felt bad they didn’t have enough guts to stand up and cheer.
- “Ah just go hug a tree.” Yet another saying that will end up on a t-shirt.
- Overall everyone I talked to seemed to get a lot out of the message and many people shared it was timely in their lives or in the lives of others that were with them.
- Afterwards our team had to tear down all of our equipment so they could play in the sanctuary for the missions event.
- Wow that’s a lot of work…nothing a little pizza couldn’t help with though.
- The team did well considering that we basically have to get set-up without much of a sound check.
- Not sure how much the people attending enjoyed it…
- Andy and I ran the tech side of things and it was a nightmare.
- At one point one of the presenters was introducing churches and having the people stand. At the end he asked if their were any others present. Both Andy and I stood up…it’s a joke because our favorite show is LOST and some of the characters are called the Others.
- By the time we got all cleaned up, it was time for CAYA…
- Now everyone from CAYA is at our house and getting ready to play a game. Others are playing pool and some are playing Wii.
- They’re eating all of our food, so I’m getting ready to head out to Food Lion…
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