- Well this is going to be short and sweet.
- The reason…I can’t remember much of today.
- The last thing I said to Lisa before I went to sleep last night was, “My stomach doesn’t feel right”.
- I’ll spare you all the details…but let’s just say I was right.
- Apparently the milk I had with my cereal last night must have been bad.
- It smelt ok but Lisa this afternoon saw that it was about a week expired.
- So with my energy drained and feeling extremely nnauseous, I made my way to the theater this morning.
- To be honest everything seemed to be going in slow motion.
- Big thanks to the entire team for picking up the slack.
- Basically I sat around the whole time, got up and preached and then went home.
- I’m told the message came out ok.
- I was really excited about this one and can’t imagine it came out nearly the way I had hoped.
- What I do know is that God’s Spirit gave me supernatural strength that I didn’t have.
- Thank you Jesus!
- You can listen to the message here.
- This was the end of the “Just Walk Across the Room” series.
- Today’s message was about how God personally has a vision for your life.
- Hope everyone grasps it and lives it out.
- Next week we start the “Party” series as we celebrate the Christmas season.
- Make sure you’re there and make sure you bring along a bunch of people because we’re going to party hard!
- Also don’t forget to mark your calendars…Christmas and New Year’s weekend we’ll be meeting on Saturday morning at 10am instead of Sunday.
- Let me say that again. Mark your calendar to come to church on Saturday, December 24th and 31st at 10am.
- Sorry I missed out on joining everyone at Infinito’s this afternoon for lunch but I heard another big crowd showed up.
- I got a nap in and I’m keeping food in and down…in fact, I’m really hungry and keep eating which is a good sign!
- Hope everyone has a great week…see you Sunday for the “Party”!
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