After yesterday’s marathon day working at the Applefest…which I’ll blog about tomorrow…I was whupped and brain dead.
Luckily Aaron came in early to set up for me, so I didn’t have to be there quite as early, but still I woke up with a pounding head and huge bags under my eyes…I wondered if I only had 30 minutes to live, much less 30 days.
Set-up only had a few minor problems, so I went to my office to try to relax before the 9:15 Experience started.
Right at 9:15 I arrived at the back doors to watch the beginning of the Experience, but they were already through half of the song and I needed to be on stage at the end of it…which meant running all the way around to be able to make it on stage just in time…whew!
In both Experiences, my mind was just not working and I was stumbling all over my thoughts and was doing goofy stuff I normally don’t do…like ryhming words and then being amused by it.
Now I remember why I don’t like to do anything too taxing on Saturdays…it throws me off for Sunday’s.
At the 10:45 Experience, Andy accidently hit the mute all button at the beginning of the music, which gave me a momentary heart attack and flashbacks to just 1 year ago when we were in the old buidling an would rountinely have power outages.
Glad it was human error :)
Met a few people today who we first saw yesterday at Applefest, so this headache is worth it.
At the Guest Reception there was a little girl who kept reaching up to take a piece of pretzel, would take a bite then put it on the plate and reach up for another…mmmmm!
Went to lunch with Aaron and his family and now they are here at our house waiting for all of us to go to a party the worship team is haivng this evening.
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