Inside Today’s ExperiencesSeptember 21, 2008 by Gilbert Leave a CommentToday kicked my butt.Started out the morning without energy, went through the afternoon without energy and still feel like I’ve been hit with a 2X4 upside the head.I had mic problems all-day. During the 9:15 it actually started to fall off and I had to catch it and try to adjst it while speaking.During the 10:45 it was shifting all around and I could tell it sounded bad.But hey other than that we had a good day.1 more person asked Jesus for His forgiveness and leadership.That puts us over 90 first time desicions this year.Do you realize that the average church in America only has 74 people in attendance and we’ve had more people than that accept Christ just this year!Please never take that for granted.Don’t get complacant though either…keep praying, keep sharing, keep inviting.Thought the worship team did a great job today…especially with the special.Ok…my head hurts too much to keep trying to think of stuff.Have a great week!
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