Because of being out of town yesterday I had to get to the church early this morning…
Really early…6:30 early…uhh watched the sun rising early.
I hate early.
Everything went smoothly with set-up and the band had a good practice after Thursday night’s debacle.
About 2 minutes before we were to start the 9:15 Experience, Dirk taps me on the shoulder and says, “Uh Andy needs to see you.”
Go back to the tech area to find Andy in a bit of a panic.
What’s wrong? “We’ve lost all of our files for this morning.”
Somehow when they went to start the countdown, the computer crashed and when the program was re-opened all the files were missing.
I ran around to let the worship team know we’d be in a bit of a delay.
That didn’t feel good on a sore ankle.
Ran back to the tech area and watched as Andy started trying to get things working.
Not sure anyone really knew we were in a delay but we were 7 minutes late in getting started.
Never did get all the files back, but we made due.
Miraculously we were able to make up the time…although I felt like I was flying through the message.
During the 1/2 hour break in between Experiences Andy was able to get some more things back so the 10:45 went off without a hitch.
Attendance was down today, but I had expected that after looking at last years numbers the week before school started.
On a positive note, I thought Jack’s movie medley that he put together was excellent.
I also thought that the band really pulled the whole thing together. We had substitutes in 3 areas but yet they blended well.
I was able to avoid last week’s mistake and keep my adrenaline pumping the whole time and so I felt much better about the 10:45 message.
Next week is going to be intense…the Dark Knight is an incredible movie and the buzz created by it makes for an easy invite.
As I said…I will be giving a clear presentation of the Gospel….do whatever you need to do to make sure you have people with you.
It was great to be able to finally announce our new Creative Arts Pastor hire. Aaron Schwindt is talented in many ways that we need, but more importantly is a great man of God.
I’ll give more details about him later in the week.
For now, it’s nap time then dinner with friends tonight.
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