- What an exciting day!
- Another big crowd and an even bigger announcement!
- To get the full context, listen to the message from today, but here’s the gist of it.
- Starting August 10th because of our continued growth, we will be now offering a second United Worship Experience every Sunday.
- Here’s the new schedule for the entire church…
- 8:00am-9:00am Traditional Service in Sanctuary.
- 9:15am-10:15am First United and Sunday School Classes.
- 10:45am-11:45am Second United, Blended Service in Sanctuary and additional Sunday School Classes.
- This will allow us to continue to grow, will give us the room we need to begin more Sunday School classes and will allow an extra 15 minutes for classes to meet.
- The announcement was met with cheers, but we need more people than what signed up today to switch to the earlier time.
- I guess everyone thinks…oh someone else will do it.
- On a positive note, almost everyone signed up to serve in a ministry between now and the end of the year!
- As for the rest of the day, everything went really smooth…I wish they were all like this.
- It was great having Brian out front today leading worship. I especially liked the new song Revolution that they did.
- Gayle did an awesome job as well on the special song while everyone was filling out their cards…hope you caught at least a bit of it.
- It was great to be back preaching again…that’s the longest break I’ve had in awhile and I was itching to get back.
- I’m really excited about the God at the Box Office series that will start on August 10th to kick off the move to 2 Experiences.
- Lisa and I usually like to rent movies and watch them at home so going out to see the new releases has been a nice break from the norm.
- Looks like a ton of invites were taken…I’d love to have to order more, so invite, invite, invite.
- I overheard that someone thought that since the invites look like tickets that people had to buy them…uh no, think we’ll still let people in for free! : )
- Met two great couples afterwards at the Guest Reception who have moved to the area recently and who have awesome church backgrounds that would make them valuable team members…I’m praying God would lead them to stay with us and get on board with the exciting vision we have.
- After that it was over to Falling Spring for the baptism. How awesome to see so many people publicly identify themselves with Christ before their family and friends.
- We had one of our video cameras and a still camera go dead battery wise…hopefully we got enough good stuff to put together a video.
- Time for my nap before CAYA this evening.
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