- Great to be back preaching again!
- After 5 weeks off I had some butterflies this morning.
- Thought there was a great energy today and that the team did an awesome job with the music.
- Also, Brian and the stage team did an incredible job with the stage set…really love the huge TXT reflective panels.
- Pretty good morning from a set-up standpoint so I was relaxed as we got started.
- At the conclusion of the 9:15, I remembered I had forgotten part of the message…then I realized oops I forgot about 10 minutes worth.
- Can you say rusty?
- In any case, for you 9:15’ers I posted the 10:45 Experience so if you want to hear the entire message you can.
- I’m super excited about this series…I love God’s Word and hope others will fall in live with it as well.
- As a reminder…this week we’re all reading the book of James and answering two questions each day in our notebooks.
- If I had to summarize the chapter I just read in a sentence or two, what would it be.
- Question two is what is one thing I can do today as a result of what I just read.
- After that we’ll all be posting online our answers.
- You can come back to my blog tomorrow for mine and comment there or you can also find it on my Facebook profile.
- Even though attendance was down, there was just somethingspecial about today and I think God is about to break loose big-time.
- Time for a nap then off to freind’s house for dinner.
- “See you” tomorrow online with your answers for James chapter 1.
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