- Great day!
- 6 more people gave their lives to Jesus!
- Many more responded to the call to follow Jesus even closer than they are now.
- The day got off to an even earlier start than normal because of some problems we had Thursday night.
- Everyone was tired but by the time the 1st Experience started, the energy was high.
- This carried over to the crowd. Great energy and participation.
- The first Experience also had one of the higher attendances that we’ve had for awhile…the ushers were busy getting more and more chairs out!
- Hopefully this means that all the sickness that’s been going around is starting to subside.
- I had great anticipation going into today about the message.
- I really feel it was one of the best I’ve ever given…if you apply this one then your whole world will change.
- As I said during the message, there actually was a prayer that Rabbi’s prayed when they went to the bathroom…here it is:
Blessed are you, O God, ruler of the world, who created man in wisdom, with numerous orifices and spaces. It is known before you that if one of them should open when it ought to close or close when it should open, we would cease to exist. Blessed are you. - Speaking of…during the 2nd Experience I jumped up onto my stool at one point and all the air left out of it. It made a really funny sound like I had passed gas. Of course the teenagers in the front were giggling…I don’t think anyone else heard it.
- All in all a really great day…loved the music…loved the response to the message.
- Had lunch with the Capital Campaign team members at the house of Scott and Robin Despres.
- They’ve done a great job of organizing the campaign and tonight we have the last big event.
- Have a great week….may you always be covered by the dust of your Rabbi!
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