- Last Preview is done and now the Countdown to Launch truly begins.
- Had another great day.
- I woke up at 3:30ish ready to go!
- Almost all of our equipment has arrived so it was yet another morning of trying out things for the very first time.
- Like last time, all things considered, things went very smoothly.
- Our goal for today was to have 95% of the bugs worked out.
- I’d say we’re pretty close.
- The first impressions team and children’s ministry are getting set-up quicker than we could have hoped so soon they’ll earn the right to come in later. :)
- Our biggest issues after the first preview was in getting all our signage set-up properly and getting the lights functioning the way we wanted.
- Signs are now all good and the lights were much better.
- The biggest issue we’ve got right now if getting more front light to the stage. I feel depressed when I’m up speaking because it’s so dark.
- A number of people have said that they can see me fine, so it might just be that I was so used to a very bright stage at Chambersburg that I need to adapt.
- More than likely the truth lies somewhere in the middle.
- The band and tech team did another phenomenal job considering everything they have to do to get ready.
- So glad to have two guys like Bill and Andy who I can count on the get those areas not only up and running but also done with excellence.
- We still have a long way to go to get things where they’ll ultimately need to be we’re off to a great start.
- The last song they did before I preached was “He Loves Us”. Man that song messed me up big time…I was a crying, blubbering, slobbering fool over on the side getting ready to go up on stage.
- Praying that many got a paradigm shift today as we discovered that ministry is not just for the “paid professionals” but for all of us and that no matter what we’ve done in the past or how inadequate we think we are, God still has a unique plan and role for us in serving Him and His Kingdom!
- Speaking of serving, I’m so grateful for the awesome volunteers that have been coming in from other churches each week to help us with the Previews and then as we launch. We truly couldn’t be doing this without them and I hope to someday be able to sow back into the churches that are sacrificing for us in the same way they’re helping us.
- We’re really trying to go over the top with our First Impressions Team and so far I think it’s been a success. Our goal is to have at least 7 contacts with a person from the time they exit their car to the time the get into the theater.
- I had one man say to me that he got out of his car with some “barriers up” but the friendliness of everyone helped to quickly knock them down and help him to feel comfortable.
- Tear down went smooth again however the biggest of the theaters that we rent had an early movie so we really had to hustle to get out.
- Desperately needed a nap today which I got and now it’s time to head off to launch team meeting to discuss everything that happened today and get ready for more community events we’ll be doing in the next few weeks.
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