Just saw this post on Perry Noble’s blog and thought it was too good not to pass along… I’ll do a normal post tomorrow, but for today I’m in a zone with some other ministry work…pray for me today as I continue working on it and tonight as I’m out doing some guest speaking for a big college and career age group in MD.
The Bible says in John 8:44 that satan is a liar…actually that he is the father of lies. What are some lies that he tries to get us to believe today…and what does God’s Word actually say?
- “Jesus could NEVER save you…you’ve messed up WAY too much.” God says Romans 10:13
- “Sex outside of marriage is ok–just as long as you REALLY love one another.” God says I Thessalonians 4:3
- “I know marriage is for a lifetime, but he/she is NOT meeting my needs.” God says Proverbs 5:15-20
- “You can’t tell anyone about that issue you are struggling with, they won’t understand; in fact, they will judge you.” God says James 5:16
- “Church is not necessary!” God says Hebrews 10:24-25
- “Yes, the Bible does say forgive others, but what that person did to you is not forgivable.” God says Ephesians 4:32
- “Your money has nothing to do with your relationship with God.” God says Matthew 6:21
- “God is the one who keeps reminding you of what you did before meeting Christ.” God says Romans 8:1 and II Corinthians 5:17
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