It’s by far my favorite restaurant…and I’ll gladly accept trips to and gift certificates from there…subtle huh?
Found out that one of the persistent callers after the contest yesterday was my sister…some things will never change.
It’s neat reflecting back on the message from yesterday. Although 95% of it was the same…it’s awesome how God lead me to say some slightly different things in both.
VBS got off to a great start last night.
I’m a leader for the Tribe of Benjamin.
My costume is a little on the short side…showing a little knee!
Dianna and her team did an awesome job of transforming the church into ancient Galilee.
While our tribe was in the marketplace grabbing some food a woman whom I won’t embarrass by mentioning her name stopped me to say how much United has meant to her and her husband.
She starts crying as she’s telling her story and it was sort of weird…not her story, not that she’s crying, but that we’re standing in a make believe building in the multi-purpose room, in goofy looking costumes and we’re having such a serious conversation.
By the time I came home last night I had, except for lunch, been at the church for 14 hours…I was whipped.
Figured I’d use the DVR to quickly watch the NASCAR race.
Wow I don’t like Kyle Busch but he is putting hurting on everyone this year.
Finished th race just in time to see the amazing finish the US had in the men’s swimming relay race…seriously what a finish!
Slept like a rock…until a strange alarm is going off.
Turns out our weekend company had used the alarm in the guest room and didn’t turn it completely off…
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