- Last night’s practice for this week’s Experience was awesome! I said it earlier in the week, but I’ll say it again…if you miss this week, you’re going to regret it big time.
- Don’t to forget to invite someone to come with you.
- Don’t forget to bring in food for the food pantry.
- Don’t forget that God loves you and so do I.
- Yesterday was a great day at the office…at noon time I met with a new attendee of United who wanted some spiriutal direction in his life. After talking with him and sharing the Gospel, he prayed and asked Jesus to forgive him of his sins and to come in and take control of his life! This week at the Experience he’ll be easy to spot…he’s 6’8″ and will have a huge smile on his face…make sure you congratulate Scott on his decision.
- Amazingly he is not the tallest person in our church…that honor goes to Scott Browning who is 6’9″.
- Can’t wait until we start a church basketball team…we’re going to dominate!
- Just realized that they are both named Scott…easy for you to remember that way.
- Later in the day, Earl lead a lady into a relationship with Jesus! I’m amazed and honored that God allows us to play a part in His-story.
- Did I mention that I’m pumped about this weekend and that you’d be an idiot not to show up with a car full of guests with you.
- Yes I know I just said idiot….Webster’s says that it’s someone who acts foolishly…so there you have it…you’d be a fool not to invite someone with you this week…there feel better? :)
- The holidays are on a weird schedule this year…tomorrow night we celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and I just found out that Christmas with my niece will need to be on December 21st.
- Lisa’s mom just called from a Florida amusment park called The Holy Land Experience. Lisa and I visited it a few years back and it was really neat. Anyway, her mom was in one of the stores and wanted to know if Lisa wanted a lamp like the 10 virgins in the New Testament carried. Why exactly she picked that out we don’t know….oh no, you don’t think that after 12 years of marriage that she still thinks Lisa is a…
- Haha, I make myself laugh sometimes.
- Yes I know I have an overly inflated opinion of myself.
- Earl said yesterday that it’s the only thing bigger than the 2 Scott’s.
- I love that our staff can joke around with each other…even when there’s some truth mixed in there.
- Alright this post is getting long…I’ll wrap-up with something you’ve never heard from me. THIS WEEKEND IS GOING TO BE AMAZING…MAKE SURE YOU INVITE SOMEONE TO COME WITH YOU!
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