Anyone else have trouble sleeping last night with all the high winds blowing through?
To put things into perspective…my mom when I was a kid could vacuum my room in the morning and I’d still be sound asleep.
So last night to be woken up by the winds making the house shake was rare for me.
Lisa and I kept moving to various rooms to find one that was quietier.
Finally I just put ear plugs in and went right off to sleep.
It’s 10:15 and she’s still in bed…don’t think she was so lucky.
The last few days have been great having Lamont in town to speak with us each night.
He’s the real deal and we were blessed to be able to have him here.
He asked me to call him last night at midnight to make sure he was still awake on his drive back home.
He sounded alert and was within 2 hours of seeing his “mother-in-laws favorite daughter”.
You know how almost all famous actors want to be singers and singers want to be in the movies? Well it’s like that sometimes for us as pastors…
I love Lamont’s style and quite honestly I’m jealous of it, but God keeps reminding me that He created me in a unique way and I just need to be the best Gilbert I can be…
So don’t expect this week as we wrap-up our Pursuit series to hear how Benaiah was big, bad, bold and brave. Or how in the midst of our situation he is an inspiration for our continuation.
Actually, I’m really excited about this final message in the series…invite someone to come with you as we’ll discover what it means to say Jesus came to free the fool that lives inside of you.
And we’ve got a free gift for everyone this week that I think you’ll find sort of cool.
No this isn’t Oprah…you’re not getting a car…sorry.
I’m speaking at the prison tonight so please be praying for that…I’m going to share with them some of Benaiah’s story and how we can never allow what’s wrong with us to keep us from worshipping what’s right with God.
I got quite a few more e-mails yesterday with potential questions for the “You Asked For It” series.
Remember if you have a question that you’ve always wondered about and you’d like to hear me preach a message on it, send them to me at Or we’ll be collecting them again this week on inserts if you wish to remain anonymous. From there we will collect the top 8 or so then have you vote on which 4 make the final cut.
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