I can’t tell you how excited I am about our new series starting this weekend called OUTBREAK.
I’ve had to share the “big announcement” of the series with a handful of people and everyone is really pumped and thinking like me that we could literally change the nation this holiday season.
I love how God confirms to me through others sometimes that I’m smack dab in His will.
It’s been amazing to have so many people saying to me “Gilbert what can we do about ___________”…and for me to be able to say…”Got it covered…we’ll talk about it in the OUTBREAK series.
Well the election has finally passed.
No matter whether you voted for Obama or not, stop for a moment and realize that you’re seeing history being made.
Does electing an African American erase the horrors of slavery or mean that racism no longer exists in our country? No…but it does show we are taking steps in the right direction.
Remember as I said in this post, whether we voted for winner or not, we now have a new President who deserves our prayers regardless of whether we agree with all his policies or not, deserves our loyalty…unless he asks us to do something unbiblical and deserves our respect as our leader.
I guess what I’m trying to say is that I’m surprised how many Christians through the e-mails they been sending, their Facebook postings, blog postings, etc. are showing a real lack of knowledge of the Bible and Christian love.
Once again I will say…if your hope is in Barak Obama or was in John McCain, you’re in for a huge disappointment.
Only Jesus has the power to bring the change so many people in America are craving.
Not Democrats, not Republicans, not government, not militaries, not the school system…nothing will bring true and lasting change to this nation or planet except for Jesus and His church.
One final thought…God was not surprised by what happened Tuesday and He isn’t today up in Heaven going, “Oh no what are we going to? How in the world did this happen?”
No God is still in control and His plans will still prevail…So please stop your whining…and be the Christian you are called to be!
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