Not the first time I’ve said this…but I’m an idiot.
Was ready to post to the blog and hit the refresh button on the page for some unknown reason, thus causing me to lose everything.
So here we go again…3/26/09 blog post version 2.0 this time less sucky.
Been a pretty good week!
Really excited about Easter coming up.
I’m done the message and I’m believing God for 50+ first time professions of faith!
Another prayer that I pray on occasion is for God to show favor to Lisa and I in unexpected ways.
On Monday we got a check in the mail as a part of settlement for a class action lawsuit.
I vaguely remember getting info about this a few years back, filled out my paperwork and then forgot about it.
Now I’ve got a check to cash!
Funniest thing of the week so far was on Tuesday when Aaron went to clean off the whiteboard in my office with the special fluid.
It’s in a spray bottle and when he hit the button he didn’t realize he was holding it backwards and it sprayed him in the eye.
Now your saying…”Gilbert I thought you said this was the funniest thing? Spraying harsh chemicals in your eyes is dangerous”.
Mmmmm….you’re right. (Insert fake sympathy bullet point here)
Seriously after taking about .5 seconds to make sure he was ok…he was crying like a little girl…I laughed my head off!
The bottle said if sprayed into eyes to flush with water for 15 minutes…uhh yeah right…a good minute later we were back to work…albeit he was still whining.
I’m working on some other stuff right now for the church that has the potential to be huge…very excited about it.
What I’m not excited about is that the NHL regular season is dragging on and on…come on already…let’s get the playoffs started.
Speaking of my sports teams…Gilbert Arenas is planning on coming back for the last 9 games for the Wizards.
WHHHHHYYYYYY?????? At this point the best thing that could happen is to lose the rest of the games and get the #1 draft pick. Why risk that and your health at the same time?
Ok realize that was a few sports references back-to-back. For you ladies who don’t like sports or for any weird guys (you know who you are) that don’t like sports….
…who do you like on American Idol?
Personally I like Danny and Adam.
BTW…Danny and Michael are worship leaders in their churches, while Chris and Lil participate on the worship teams at their churches.
For those of you who don’t like sports or American Idol, I’ve got 4 letters for you…
Love that show!
Alright…gotta get back to work…see you Sunday…let’s pack the place out…I’m talking about temptation…should be powerful!
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