Been awhile since I a random thoughts post. Here we go…
- Excited about the 60+ resumes that have come in to take over for me at United.
- Couple of potentially good candidates in that stack. Pray for the search team to find the right person.
- Balancing my full-time responsibilities I still have at CFCOG along with starting a new church is interesting.
- I have a follow-up meeting this Friday with a man that owns one of the buildings we’re looking at. Please pray about that.
- We have two really good but vastly different options when it comes to where we’re going to meet.
- Speaking of buildings, if you know anyone who’s looking to buy a house, steer them our way. Here’s the listing for our house.
- Excited about the new series we’re starting this weekend called, Littlefaither: The Worry Wart Series.
- Don’t forget we ARE NOT changing our clocks this weekend until after the Sunday morning Experiences.
- Love that we do this…why lose an hour’s sleep when you don’t have to!
- It’s amazing the speed I can rip through a whole box of Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies.
- What’s even more amazing is how quickly I can go through two boxes! :)
- Really enjoying the warmer weather!
- I know NASCAR said they we’re going to let the boys be boys this year but the whole Carl Edwards thing was a bit ridiculous.
- When someone dies in the future they are going to have a lawsuit on their hands for being accomplices in a homicide.
- The lawyer will argue that because they didn’t do anything about it now, others felt it was ok and the result was death.
- Speaking of sports, my Caps are kicking some serious butt. Hope they don’t use up all there good game play in the regular season then falter in the play-offs.
- Ok, one last sports thing…sorry ladies once my mind goes there it’s hard to stop…This week and the next two are arguably the best all year round. Can’t wait for March Madness to start…especially since my Terps are playing so well!
- Now back to our regularly scheduled blog, already in progress…
- The Toyota with the stuck gas pedal thing had to have been quite frightening…did you see the guys face after he got out and was being interviewed.
- I think he was in a need of a change of underwear!
- Can’t believe there are only 9 more episodes of LOST.
- Please writers don’t let us down…we’ve stuck with you this long…give us a good conclusion or I’ll send the smoke monster to your house.
- Glad Idol isn’t 5 hours a week anymore. Even with the ability to speed things up on the DVR, that is still crazy.
- I really liked Andrew, but he’s been a disappointment recently. Now I’m thinking a girl might win it…Crystal?
- Guess that’s enough for now…have a great day!
I love G’s random thoughts :)