Thought the above graph from this week’s Time Magazine could be a helpful visual illustration to all of you who are overly worried about the economy.
As you can see our economy goes through ups and downs, but the ups almost always last far longer than the downs. Last week it was offically declared that we’ve been in a recession since December of 2007, meaning that we’re 12 months into what most economists believe will last another 5-15 months. In other words…this too shall pass. In the meantime, keep these two things in mind…
- God doesn’t want you to worry about money because after all it’s all His anyway.
- The bible encourages us to be good stewards of God’s money and there are many scriptures that talk about storing up in good times so you survive the bad times. So what i’m saying is the next time we’re in an expansion period, make sure you’re putting some money aside so that the next recession doesn’t hit you as hard.
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