I was flipping through one of my journals this morning and came across this quote that I had written down years ago, “What you will become in 5 years will be determined by what you read and who you associate with”.
That’s so true. Looking back on my life, I can see greatly how God has changed me through reading His Word and how both ministry and business books have shaped myself and United. In the same way, the people I’ve gotten to meet and hang out with have influenced my thoughts and decisions for today.
The question then becomes for you and I…Who do I want to become and what do I want to accomplish by July 1, 2014? Once that’s determined, you need to see if your reading list and the people your hanging out with are helping you to get closer to those goals or pulling you further away.
For myself, while I am reading more than I have ever read in my life, I’m questioning whether it’s the right stuff so I’ll re-evaluate that. In the same way, there are some relationships that drag me down and drain me more than they lfit me up and encourage me, so I’ll have to do something about that.
So how about you? Number one on your reading list needs to be God’s Word, but after that are the things you’re reading helping you or hindering you? The toughie is the people you hang out with…are they bringing you closer to Jesus and all He wants for you or are they keeping you from growing in your relationship with Him?