- I am loving this series!
- So many awesome stories already from people on how they are seeing changes in their marriages and relationships!
- After having been in San Diego all week, getting to church a little after 8am seemed like 5…ughhh I hate mornings enough as it is.
- The building was drawing a lot of power during the morning run-through and the light fixtures were pulsating. I re-set the breakers and everything seemed fine.
- As we started the 2nd Experience though, we had no lights on the singers at all and I thought for sure that the breakers had tripped.
- I sprinted as hard as I could all around the perimeter of the gym, through the backstage area, climbed the ladder, sprinted to the breakers and…nothing. Everything looked fine.
- I repeated the sprint but now in reverse, got back to rear of United and…everything was working.
- Tim said, “Oops my bad I fixed it right after you left”.
- Oh well at least I got some good exercise. :)
- Other than that and some sound issues, we had a pretty routine day.
- It was great to have Cressa lead the worship team today.
- She did a great job!
- It’s amazing how many talented people we have on the worship team and to realize that every one of them have done music professionally in one way or another over the years.
- So awesome to see them use their talents for God instead of just to make a dollar.
- For anyone interested, here is the Wikipedia page for Howard Thurston that I mentioned during the message.
- Andrea did a great job of transporting both the Thurston books off-stage for me. :)
- As I mentioned today…there are so many people who need to hear what we’re talking about in this series. Why not send them over to our site (www.UnitedWorshipExperience.org) to hear what’s happened so far and then invite them to come back with you next week.
- Time for a nap and then off to meet with some of our small group peeps for dinner.
Inside Today’s Experiences
- Another awesome day!
- 5 more people gave their lives to Christ!
- The day got started a little earlier than normal since we launched Fellowship One officially today.
- I’ve been working on this project since last June so it was good to have another big part of it roll out.
- For a few weeks lines will be long as people get used to checking in their kids, but for the most part everything went smoothly and I didn’t hear any complaints.
- As for the Experience itself, it was a really smooth day.
- Brian and Thom did a great job of re-deploying some of our lighting and it added for some neat new effects.
- Aaron and Adam also did a great job with the graphics and video packages.
- I really like how Aaron put together video backgrounds for each song that were series specific.
- As I said last week, there is an incredible team that works behind the scenes that make each Experience so memorable.
- Thanks to everyone who serves…it was great being back to normal today.
- Nice big crowds in both Experiences and full of energy…especially the 9:45.
- As I said all day…I’m really excited about this series on love.
- Don’t forget this week to keep reading Philippians 2:3-8 and to find practical ways each day to make love a verb.
- Next week we’ll find out how to take these verses and apply them to your marriage.
- Go ahead and invite someone…they’ll be glad you did.
- Time for a nap…see you next week!