- Great day today.
- School’s back in and vacations are over!
- So nice to have the energy of a big crowd again at 9:45.
- Now we need to do a great job of inviting more to the 11:15 so we can get the momentum going there.
- Funny to think that last year at this time it was exactly opposite…huge crowds late and sparse crowds early.
- In any case, things ran pretty smoothly today with the exception of one funky light that didn’t want to stay the proper color.
- We also had an unexpected absent by a key person on the tech team and another key person missing so we were scrambling there.
- I ended up running some of it and Josh Schlotterbeck stepped up to “learn on the fly”. Thanks Josh.
- If you are interested in helping with tech, let me know.
- Also don’t forget we need some more volunteers in the set-up and tear down crews. Again let me know and I’ll get your name to the proper people.
- It was great to have Aaron back for a week…love his energy.
- Speaking of energy, I think Andrea had an energy drink this morning…she was pumped up and I love hearing her sing “Unveil”.
- Had a few people tell me how much they appreciate that we cover hit songs. Aaron and the team did a great job with Kings of Leon’s, Use Somebody.
- We do this so that hopefully when it comes on the radio, a new association has been made in your mind between the song and the message.
- I had a ton of fun with the message at 9:45. Not so much at 11:15…just couldn’t get into a good rhythm.
- Guess which one got posted online? :)
- Met some great people today at the guest receptions…we’re so fortunate to be attracting so many people that are hungry to have God speak into their lives.
- All in all, a good day…I’m already looking forward to next week!
- Tonight we’ll be hanging with some of our small group peeps.
- Also excited about the Redskins game today!