Have seen and read a few things today that made me want to post this…
Often times people complain about the increased use of technology in life (texting, facebook, twitter, etc.) and in the church (lights, projection, etc.)
It’s on days like this (very hot and very humid) that I want to tell people that don’t like technological advances to turn off their air conditioners. I’m mean at one point AC was the latest and greatest but now is pretty common place. The key to technology in my eyes is this…Is it a tool or a toy?
To me texting is easier than sending a letter(tool). Facebook allows me to keep up on the latest and greatest in the people’s lives that I’m called to (lead). Lighting, projection and a lot of the other things we use at United help us to present the Gospel message in a way that reaches people that other churches aren’t reaching (tool).
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go downstairs to microwave (tool) my lunch, in my nice air conditioned home (tool) and watch my big screen TV (Toy…definite toy!).
Krystal says
So I saw you link in your status and was curious where you were going with it. I mean that can go so many directions. It is true though. I totally agree with what you are say as I type on my laptop (tool). I got to counsel my friends long distance somehow. :)