Hey thanks for RSVP’ing for the Experience this Sunday. We had our run through last night and it is going to be incredible! I have a few favors to ask of you…
- Please continue inviting like never before…even that person that’s turned you down a million times.
- Please pray for the team, myself and all those who will be attending.
- Please BE IN YOUR SEATS at least 5 minutes before the Experience starts. The beginning is going to be incredible…you won’t want to miss it and quite frankly it will be hard to find a seat during it and would be distracting to others.
- Once you find your seat if you can sit in the middle of a row that would be great. I expect it’s going to be a madhouse and the easier it is for our ushers to find aisle seats for our guests, the better and smoother things will be on Sunday.
- Did I mention yet to invite someone? I’ve been hearing of people using Facebook to invite, text messaging, e-mail and yes even the good old fashioned face-to-face. I will be giving a clear message on the whether the resurrection was an Urban Legend or a true historical event. If it was a true historical event then the implications are huge. Do your part this week to make sure that by Sunday afternoon hell will be a little less crowded in the future!
Thanks…love you all and hope you have a great week…I’ll see you and your guests on Sunday!
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