- We’re in Williamsburg, Va for the week with a 1 day stop down in Virginia Beach to go to a church I’ve been wanting to visit.
- The weather has been phenomenal…although it’s supposed to hit 100 for 2 of the days we’re here.
- We’ve played some tennis, gone swimming, ate out a lot, played in the arcade, shopped, watched some movies and yesterday…
- …we went to Busch Gardens. I wasn’t feeling 100% but that didn’t stop us from riding everyone of the rides. The lines were really small…most of the time we were able to walk right up and get on…the longest line was for a new ride but that was only about 1/2 hour. It was hot and so I was looking forward to the water rides…but I hardly got wet at all…Lisa however…
- Best ride of the day was the Griffon. The first drop is 205 feet at a 90 degree angle…in other words…straight down…the best part is they actually stop you at the top while you’re facing straight down before they release you…sweet!
- Ok, for those of you who passed out just at the thought…welcome back.
- The most ironic thing of the day was when we went to get on the Escape from Pompeii water ride, they shut it down right as we got to the front of the line. 13 years ago Lisa and I visited Busch Gardens as a part of our honeymoon when this ride was in it’s first year. We never did get on it that year because twice we were in line and it got shut down…so here we were 13 years later and the same thing happens. We decided to stick it out in line and finally after about 15 minutes they got it repaired and we we’re on our way…uhhh, I waited 13 years for that?
- Speaking of years flying by…the Loch Ness Monster is celebrating it’s 30th year in existence. I remember as a kid when it opened and everyone was so excited about it…boy do I feel old.
- Speaking of old…or maybe it’s just that I’m short…in the quest to do riskier things with roller-coasters, most of them now have the pull down over your shoulders restraints…which means when you quickly go around a corner your head smacks up-side the restraint. By the time we were done yesterday I felt like I had been repeatedly punched by Mike Tyson when he was in his hey-day.
- Have I mentioned that we pay a lot of money for the privilege of doing this, that we call it entertainment and that if I could I’d be back there doing it again today?
- Today we’re just hanging out and doing some more shopping.
- Other than Sunday visiting ForeFront Churchand having lunch with Vince Antonucci and his wife, we’re just taking things one day at a time at this point and will do things as we feel like it.
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