There are 168 hours in a week and it’s the number I almost always think about within moments after each Experience. In other words, only 168 (actually 167) hours until we need to do this again. Another way I sometimes say it is, “It’s amazing how often Sunday comes” or “Sunday comes whether I’m ready or not.” Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining…that hour on Sunday is my favorite hour of the week. However, there is an incredible amount of pressure to keep producing fresh content each week that is compelling, relevant and life-changing. It isn’t like the Trans Siberian Orchestra show that I saw Sunday night where they come up with one show and then keep repeating the same show a hundred times while on tour. No…our team has to be creative each week and I have to hear from God fresh ideas on a weekly basis and then figure out how to best communicate it. My point in this post is this…I need your help. The more you are willing to help with things such as set-up and tear-down, ushering, greeting, set designs, tech stuff (computer and lighting programming and operating…by the way, much easier than it sounds), graphic design, video editing, etc, the more time I have to do what God has called me to do. God has given you gifts, talents and abilities and he wants you to use them. Don’t just attend…contribute and watch as God uses you to further His Kingdom.
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