Mmmm…got your attention didn’t it? Just even seeing the word sex so intrigues us. In fact, I’m guessing that some of you are reading this that don’t normally read my stuff…why is that? Well it’s simple, God put a desire in each of us to not only love and be loved, but to also express that love to another through the gift of sex. This weekend at the United Worship Experience that is going to be our topic. Now let me give a couple of disclaimers:
- If you’re are highly offendable, don’t show up.
- We are going to take a humorous, thought provoking, biblical look at what God says about intimacy.
- I’ve given PG-13 warnings before, but this will be about as close to an R-rated message and Experience that you can get, so if you have children, make sure they are in children’s church, or make sure you are ready to process this information with them afterwards.
- Let’s face it, your 10 year olds and up are hearing about sex from their friends and Hollywood already, so hearing about it from their pastor can only be a good thing if you’re prepared to talk to them about it afterwards.
- Alright with those warnings out of the way, let me encourage you to not only be there but to invite your friends with you as well.
- In fact, you probably don’t even have to ask them to come, you could probably just say, “I can’t wait for this Sunday, my pastor is going to be preaching about sex and he’s promised that they are going to some wild and crazy stuff”.
- At this point you can shut up and they will probably beg you to tell them where there is a church where the pastor isn’t afraid to talk about sex.
- In case your reading this and wondering will this really live up to the hype, here is a sneak peek at words that I guarantee will show up in the Experience through either the spoken word, video or song.
- Sex. Masturbation. Adultery. Lust. Pornography. Ecstasy. Oral sex. Cleavage. Homosexuality. Condom. Lap Dance. Aborton. Foreplay.
I truly believe that God is going to use this message to challenge your thinking in some areas and to ensure that going forward you have the red hot sex life that not only you want, but that He desires for you as well.
See you Sunday!