We had a great day at United yesterday…the energy was high, the creative elements were incredible, the band rocked and based off of some of the comments and e-mails I’ve gotten so far, the message was challenging. Now here comes the reality I and the team face every Sunday afternoon…”That was great but in another 160 hours or so, we’ve got to do it all over again and it has to be just as good if not better and it has to be completely different from the week before”.
To be honest, that kind of “can you top this’ pressure can be overwhelming at times. This isn’t major league baseball where having a hit 3 out of every 10 times will land you in the hall of fame…NO…people’s spiritual lives and eternities hang in the balance. So that’s why we work so hard and try to do everything with excellence.
However here’s the flip side. It’s also possible to hinge your entire relationship with God on what’s happening. In other words, if it’s a good day, you feel good about yourself and where you’re at with God. If it’s a bad day, you feel worthless and like you let God down.
Your saying “Ok Gilbert that’s great, but what does that have to do with me”? Well my fear is that too many of you don’t realize that God will never love you any more or less than He does right now! There’s nothing that you can say or do that would change His mind…He is 100% head over heels in love with you! Now that’s not to say that He’s not pleased with our obedience or grieved by our disobedience, but when it comes to your worth in His eyes, that is unchanging.
So today live without the pressure of having to “top your yesterday” and just live in His love!
Very inspirational G! Thanks!
Your welcome Chrissy. Thank you for the part you play each week in making United what it is…we couldn’t do it without you! Well ok we could but it would be awfully dark. :)
Here’s my chance:
Just wanted to share what I was faced with today. An older “spit fire” obviously frustrated lady called my office. Just so happened I answered the phone as polite as can be. ” Hello Wash. Co. Family Center how may I help you?” She replies in an irritated loud and frustrated voice screaming ” Is this the WSH. CO road service? The operator gave me 6 different numbers and none of them work” I litterally had to take the phone away from my ear because she was screaming. I replied “no mam this is the family center” She started to huff and puff I then said “if you hold on I will get you the correct number” When in reality I could have said some harsh things or hung up on her. I knew how that would have been settled in the jungle world lol HOWEVER I thought here is my chance to not drop kick this old bitter woman and to do something loving. So I found the number and gave it to her. Her tone did change and she said “thank you” It’s so easy to be irritated and get frustrated with people but hopefully I killed that lady with kindness and maybe she changed her tude! lol That was my chance to do something loving for her and although I desperately wanted to hang up on her I realized I couldn’t.
Cool story Kelli! I hope what you did will be an example to others that sometimes it only takes a few extra moments to greatly impact someone’s life.
I too just got done a “Here’s my chance” that took an unexpected 3 hours out of my day, but it’s for things like that that I gave up my businesses to do. Nothing like making an eternal difference!