Inside Today’s Experiences
Great Challenge
Brent Stains who attends United wrote a comment on the web-site that I wanted to make sure got spread to as many of you as possible. Brent writes…
Spot on brother, it was simply spot on!
I was at the 9:15 experience and I simply want to thank you for sharing your heart. I believe it’s very evident what happens when we submit to God and follow His lead. There’s no doubt that today God used you in kingdom ways for kingdom purposes! Thanks for being obedient!
I will use this message to share my heart with my friends. Just think what would happen if the 150+ who submitted to God today would also submit to bring a friend next week. Are we ready?!! We can be sure that God is!
Brent is right…what might happen if we all invite someone next week? We’ll never know unless we try…so invite someone today!
Inside Today’s Experiences
- That video was emotionally and physically demanding, but well worth it…perhaps the best we’ve ever done.
- One of the projectors must have gotten hit by a basketball this week (ok that’s not funny at all) and so we needed to get it adjusted.
- The lift though was not charged up and so we had to patiently put Andy up in the air a few feet at a time.
- I thought once we got him half way up we should have unplugged it and left him there.
- My thinking was what better way to illustrate someone being held hostage.
- The other funny thing was I ran out of water right before I went on stage for the 10:45.
- I reached in our backstage fridge, but the bottle was completely frozen.
- Now with less than 2 minutes before I’m to go on stage…and extremely thirsty…I had to figure out something…
- …so I quickly stuck it in the microwave, not knowing what would happen.
- Luckily it didn’t explode and I got just enough out of it to take care of my thirst.
- It’s about 3:00PM as I write this and it still got a big block of ice in it.