Had a great question come in yesterday via a Connection Card. By the way, thank you to the person who asked it, but please always include your name and at least one way to contact you. It’s frustrating when someone has a legitimate question but I have no way of knowing that they get the answer. I can’t take up valuable time on Sunday mornings to answer everyone’s questions or that’s all we’d ever get done. Also, I don’t know for sure that you’ll be reading this blog, so some people must think that their questions never get addressed.
With that said it’s also the cowards way out…no one does this intentionally, but what you’re in essence doing by not telling me who you are is a “drive-by shooting.” You get to get your opinion, comment or question in, without fear of being confronted. So with that being said, effective immediately (and I’ll announce this at United) if there is no name on a card it will not get forwarded to me from the team that collects and summarizes them. That’s a shame because there are some good questions that come in, but it’s also a way that we can improve communication.
Alright this post was originally supposed to be about the question, but has gotten too long so I’ll follow this up with another that answers it.
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