Saturday Lisa and I drove home from our vacation in New Bern, NC. There is about 2 hours worth of driving on back-roads just to get back to I-95. Dummy me had forgotten to print out the return directions so we just reversed the directions of how we got there. Problem was though it wasn’t exactly the same…even though we turned onto the routes and roads we were supposed to…none of it looked familiar…I’m like really good with directions and landmarks, etc…so I knew we were passing things that we hadn’t on the way down…it made me a tad bit uncomfortable…however the road names said we were going the right way so I trusted everything would turn out alright.
This Sunday we’ll be going to 2 Experiences and quit frankly it makes me a tad bit uncomfortable because it’s a road we haven’t been down before. Yes, some things will look familiar along the way, but for the most part we’re in uncharted territory for us. However, I know that God has clearly given us the directions so He’ll get us where He wants us to be. Will we get back to “familiar roads” in a week, a month, a year? I don’t know…but I do know we’ll just keep listening to His GPS turn by turn directions and we’ll enjoy the journey as we go!
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