Inside Today’s Experiences
- Think this is the latest I’ve posted one of these but I’m just now getting home at 10:10PM.
- Another great day….set another attendance record at 9:15 and overall the numbers were great.
- The most important number though is 9…that’s the number of people who today prayed to ask Jesus to forgive them of their sins and to take control of their lives!
- Man that never, ever gets old.
- Wow I was all kinds of full of myself today…especially during the announcement times…even I was wondering if I was ever going to shut up.
- Anytime though you can slip a Wizard of Oz reference and the phrase “lighting a fire under your butt” into the annoucnements…you know it was an interesting morning.
- Said both of those things at the 9:15…yet another reason to attend then…you never know what will come out of my mouth before I’ve fully woken up.
- Even Andy’s son Dylan (9 years old) was on me…he said, “Man Gilbert you went really long today…we were just waiting out in the hallway for you to finish”.
- Truthfully the new song we did today I wasn’t 100% sure of even after Thursday night’s practice. But as usual the team pulled it off great and I really got into it.
- Yes, I do realize that the above means that I had to “Embrace Uncertainty“.
- Funniest moment of the day occured when Andy’s daughter Hannah wanted to take both of her baby dolls to Sunday School, but Andy said no you can only take one. She was about to get upset about it when he explained that we needed her in order to help run sound for the day. So we dressed her up with full size head phones and put a mic in front of her. Thus the picture above.
- Aaron at lunch today asked me to say something nice about him in today’s blog…ummm…thinking…”Great comeback on me at the 10:45 about not wanting to worship&q
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