- Another solid day.
- Got off to an early start because Thom was sick on Thursday night and was unable to make practice. So everyone came in early to make sure we could run through everything at least twice.
- Great job by the band as usual to come through despite everything happening.
- The middle projector burnt out right before the 2nd Experience…arghhhh.
- Other than that, everything went well behind the scenes today.
- Heard the message connected with quite a few people.
- I’m always amazed that even the ones “I’m not excited about”, God still uses to touch the hearts of people.
- Pretty clear though…forgive others or God will not forgive you.
- Watching people from backstage write their enemies names or hurts on the wall was interesting…you could tell some were deeply moved and others were just going through the motions.
- Jesus said that the seed of His Word will land on different types of soil and that some will spring to life and others will die.
- Not a knock on anyone…I’m sure each message touches people differently…just interesting to watch the dynamic.
- I was drained before the 2nd Experience even started…not sure why…had a great nights sleep.
- Both Experiences got done at least 5 minutes early today…making up for last week!
- Got to talk with a great couple in visiting from OH…neat story and praying that God’s will be done in their lives.
- Reality is starting to sink in…only 6 more messages I’ll be preaching in United.
- Let’s make this stretch drive something memorable…invite like crazy so we have great momentum for whoever my replacement ends up being.
- If you haven’t checked out what I’m doing in Harrisburg yet, the web-site is www.ExponentialChurch.tv
- Plenty of ways you can help out even from a far.
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