Lisa and I watched a special last night on the creative process that went in to the formation of some of the Blue Man Group’s shows. It’s always fascinating to me to see how others go through their creative process.
At one point, one of the founders was talking about how when they were asked to bring their show to Vegas, they knew it needed to be different. He said something to the effective of, “People come to Vegas to escape their normal routines. Sometimes people don’t want the same old same old they are looking for an experience.”
Ed Young has said it this way. “Vegas has absolutely nothing to say, but yet knows how to say it…the church has everything to say, but yet often doesn’t know how to say it.” How true! That’s why every week we try to create an Experience with God where people will be inspired to live out their faith for Him throughout the entire week. People want a real, genuine, relevant, Experience with God and we are fortunate enough to be a part of something like that every week…and the best part…we don’t have to go to Vegas to get it.
Three things I want you to do right now:
1. Thank God for the opportunity to Experience Him each week through
the music, video’s and messages at United.
2. Ask Him which volunteer role you can be fulfilling every week, or even
just once a month so that others can be as blessed as you are.
3. Do not keep this wonderful Experience to yourself…invite some to come with you this week as we launch our CRIBS series.
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