- Everything went very well!
- Friday night we we’re able to get a few of the rooms painted, lay some tile in the basement where the washer and dryer are going and re-run some cable connections.
- Andy and I never left the new house until about 1:15am.
- On the way home I got pulled over by a cop just a little bit down the road from getting back to the old house.
- He said you didn’t do anything wrong, I just wanted to let you know that you’re license plate holder light-bulb is out.
- He asked if I was coming home from work and I explained what was going on.
- Turns out he lives right around the corner from our new house.
- We probably talked then for a good 5-10 minutes….sort of funny since I had bright flashing lights behind me the whole time…the neighbors must have thought I really did something bad.
- Saturday I picked up the big 26ft truck and we we’re starting to load by 8:40am or so.
- We completely loaded, drove and unloaded by noon time.
- Big thanks to all 34 of you who helped this weekend!
- After most of the movers had left a hand full of us started setting up and unpacking.
- We stopped around 5:00pm…then Lisa and I returned the truck, came to the church to check our e-mail, since we don’t have Internet service yet, then went home to crash on the couch and catch up on American Idol.
- I was asleep by 9:30pm.
- Woke up at 4am.
- Funniest line of the day came courtesy of Bob Faubel who said, “Gilbert why is there so much dust on your weights.”
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