I challenged everyone in the Textually Active message to read through Psalm 119 this week so here are some of my thoughts on each 8 verse section and then an application point for myself for the day. Feel free to read along and share your thoughts as well.
Psalm 119:161-168: Vs. 165 is something I pray often…”God I know that your word says, ‘Great peace have they that love your law and nothing can make them stumble’ so God you know how much I love your word, so please help me in this situation”.
Psalm 11:169-176: Vs. 172 is a why I love that many of the songs that we sing are not just based off of, but contain phrases from scripture. It’s easier to memorize God’s Word when it’s put to a song!
That wraps up Psalm 119, hope you have enjoyed the journey as much as I have.
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