- Wrapped up writing the God at the Box Office messages yesterday!
- Can’t wait to share them all.
- Decided to go a different direction for the next series because of some other exciting things that will be happening later this fall.
- Hate doing that…but this will be well worth it…stay tuned for details.
- VBS week has been tiring but well worth it.
- Is it wrong that I can’t get these kids song out of my head?
- Do to others (clap, clap) whatever you would have them do to you!
- I asked Lisa if she’s coming to the closing ceremonies to see what her kid (me) has been doing all week long.
- She now knows as soon as I come through the door at night to put the DVR on pause and ask me about what craft we did that night and other VBS related stuff.
- It’s been a great week, the kids are having fun…one more night to hopefully make an impact!
- My costume is a little short…showing some knee…look out JT…who’s bringin’ sexy back now?
- I’m digging the times we wear a yarmulke…it nicely covers my bald spot.
- I’m all messed up this week because of VBS on my days…today is normally the day the band practices and we do our walk through of everything.
- I guess it’s not bad to shake the routine up though from time to time.
- The band will practice Saturday, which doesn’t leave much time for adjsutments so pray everything goes smoothly.
- This week we’ll look at the movie Hancock…don’t forget to invite someone to hear about a common but not talked about problem many of us face…loneliness.
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