- Enjoying my day off!
- It was much needed…I’m beat up and bruised from a film shoot we did on Wednesday.
- Just finished hooking up a replacement unit from Direct TV for our up-stairs TV’s since it stopped operating the one in Lisa’s office.
- Getting ready to hook-up Lisa’s new work computer.
- It’s only been a month since we bought it and it’s still sitting in the box.
- Oh well, better late than never.
- Tonight we’re going to go see the movie “4 Christmases“.
- I’m really excited about this weekend…don’t let the series name fool you…the I Hate the Holiday’s series should be really impactful!
- Yesterday during staff meeting, Dianna’s cell phone took a picture of the inside of her pocket…don’t know why but we found that really funny.
- Also, we decided to have our staff Christmas party in January. Earl wanted to know what we wanted to do about gifts and someone suggested we do White Elephant gifts. Others were confused by that until it was explained to which they then said, “Oh you mean Dirty Bingo”.
- So since we couldn’t agree on a name, I nominated that we call it “Dirty White Elephants”.
- With deeply theological conversations like that, it’s a wonder we get anything done!
- Ok, off to my next project…see you on the weekend!
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