Wow…hearing a lot of great feedback after Sunday’s big announcement.
After having worked on the God at the Box Office series a little bit more yesterday…again it will launch our move to 2 Experiences…I AM REALLY EXCITED!!!
Had a handful of people tell me yesterday that they’re willing to move to the 9:15 Experience for a few weeks to help things get rolling…still need another 50-75 of you to do the same thing…let me know!
Make sure to check back tomorrow…I’ll be blogging about a story that I believe will inspire you as we make this transition.
Speaking of inspiration…that would be my wife Lisa. She is an incredibly gifted woman and has a passion for seeing people fulfill their God-given destiny. She may be quiet but she works tirelessly behind the scenes, overseeing our College and Young Adult Ministry, creating United’s bulletin each week and all the graphics that go with each series and announcement. She is also the creator of…
…all 4 web-sites that the church has. I actually had her create the site for United last so that everyone else could benefit before we did. So the new site launched on October 4, 2007. Why do I bring all this up? Well either late today or early tomorrow, we will go over 50,000 hits on the site since we launched!
We’ve had hits from all 50 states and 20+ foreign countries.
I talk about us teaming together to impact Chambersburg and beyond and this is one way you are doing it. Way to go Lisa and way to go to all of you who support our church with your time, talent and possessions…you’re truly changing the world!
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