- I’m useless without my wife.
- What’s that have to do with today…
- She had her wisdom teeth taken out Wednesday and has been having trouble sleeping so she slept in the guest room last night so I could get a good night’s sleep.
- She’s the one who is normally in charge of the alarm clock and even though I set it and double check it last night…I still messed up.
- Imagine my surprise when she wakes me up this morning at 8:30 and says, “Aren’t you supposed to be at church now?”
- Oops…luckily the team is proficient enough to function without me during set up and our morning run-through.
- Except that someone forgot to unlock the back stage door (which I normally do) so when I went to go on stage during the 1st Experience, I was again greatly surprised to be locked out.
- Other than that it was a really good day.
- The team and both crowds were really energetic, which makes preaching so much easier then.
- Have already had about a dozen people stop me to say how convicting today’s message was.
- Andrea absolutely tore it up on the song “Battlefield”…great job!
- I think everyone had fun with the word S’mikheh.
- Aaron heard me preach a similar message to this one 3+ years ago where I talked about S’mikheh and he still says it from time to time.
- Two of the ladies back in the tech area this morning thought that it was funny that I wear stage make-up on Sunday’s.
- Hey it’s not like I’m Adam Lambert or anything, but a little foundation to smooth the skin and cut down on the glare never hurt anyone. :)
- Please pray for our bass guitarist Brett. He never showed up today and we’re hoping he just overslept since he works late on Saturday night’s. Or since we had practice on Saturday instead of Thursday because of Thanksgiving, it’s also possible that he thinks today is Friday. In any case we’re worried about him since we still haven’t been able to reach him.
- All in all I really enjoyed this series…Brian designed an awesome stage…we got to hear from Doug for the first time…many more people came into a relationship with Jesus…lives were changed…all because Jesus is a Maverick unlike any other.
- Tonight is Hanging of the Greens or HotG as we like to call it. Only time I get to hear I’m hot. :)
- Have a great week. Be sure to invite a lot of people as we kick-off the PARTY series next week.