I challenged everyone in the Textually Active message to read through Psalm 119 this week so here are some of my thoughts on each 8 verse section and then an application point for myself for the day. Feel free to read along and share your thoughts as well.
Psalm 119:65-72: Love how in verse 72 the Psalmist says that the Word of God is more valuable than silver or gold. Literally people have a book of great treasure in their possession ut how many people treat it as the valuable commodity that it is?
Psalm 119:73-80: Vs. 74, “May those who fear you rejoice when they see me, for I have put my hope in your word“. My prayer is that when other followers of Christ see us, we’d be so on fire for God that it would cause them to hunger for more of God themselves.
Psalm 119:81-88: Up until now in today’s reading it has talked a lot about affliction and persecution. I love how in verse 82 he asks God, “When will you comfort me” not “will you comfort me”? A huge difference in attitude and perspective…how’s yours?
Psalm 119:89-96: Vs. 95, “The wicked are waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes”. Throughout today’s reading the Psalmist has talked about the persecution that he faced. The only way to avoid persecution is to live a quiet, inconsequential life where you never speak up for what is right, offer a differing opinion or try to make an eternal difference. Following God is not always going to make you popular, but as long as you’re His and following His Word in everything, then who cares what others think…Live your life for an audience of One.